Tales from the Pewter Shop by Ray Gibson
I learned the craft of turning fine pewterware at my fathers side. Ray Gibson was a master craftsman who loved everything about his work—the tools and materials, the shop, and the people that he served.
I learned the craft of turning fine pewterware at my fathers side. Ray Gibson was a master craftsman who loved everything about his work—the tools and materials, the shop, and the people that he served.
The collection of British pewter at Colonial Williamsburg is remarkable for its breadth and detail.
This book was written and published by the Pewter Collectors' Club of America (PCCA) to help educate present and future collectors about the pleasures and pitfalls of collecting antique pewter.
From simple Colonial pewter candlesticks and porringers, made for everyday use, to elaborate silver-plated Victorian serving dishes, to the lean elegance of modern silver coffeepots and flatware - here is American silver, silver plate, and pewter in all its beauty and variety - pictured, discusse
A friend who is a customer asked me to make... read more
As a member of NH Made—the wonderful... read more
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Early American Life magazine named... read more