Fine, Handcrafted Pewter in the Great American Tradition
Salt and Pepper Bowls

Products for Children

Photo of  Small Jones Porringer
Price: $75

The Small Jones Porringer is a reproduction of one made in the late 18th century by Providence, Rhode Island pewterer, Gershom Jones, circa 1774 -1809. This was the first piece my father reproduced years ago. It is also special to me, because I grew up in Providence.

This type of handle is referred to as a flower handle and it is a beautiful and classic form. In addition to the large,...

Photo of  Small Heart Handle Porringer
Price: $75

The Small Heart Handle Porringer is a reproduction of a late 18th, early 19th century American piece whose exact maker has yet to be identified. The handle is sweet with its three hearts and crescent moon apertures. This is a very popular baby gift!

photo of Small Billings Porringer
Price: $75

The Small Billings Porringer is a reproduction of one made by late 18th century Providence, Rhode Island pewterer, William Billings, circa 1791-1806. The attractive flower handle is referred to as the “pagoda” type based on the distinctive shape of the handle tip. This would be an ideal baby porringer! We can stamp the child’s first initial on the handle’s central shield.

Photo of Baby Mug
Price: $125

The Baby Mug seems to scream “baby boy!” Fortunately, many a young lass has received this cup as well. I made the first one of these for my nephew years ago, even though his family lives in wine country of northern California.

And, if you like, we can stamp your child’s initials on the bottom of the cup.

Photo of Baby Cup (tapered sides)
Price: $75

The Baby Cup with tapered sides has graceful lines. The scroll handle is a delicate, yet sturdy design and the rolled lip gives the young one something to gum when the teeth start sprouting.

And, if you like, we can stamp your child’s initials on the bottom of the cup.

Photo of Baby Cup (straight sides)
Price: $75

The Baby Cup with straight sides is my best seller with its wide base, rolled lip, and bullet proof handle. Neither of my kids could destroy their baby cups! Two incised lines at the top and bottom add a nice decorative touch.

And, if you like, we can stamp your child’s initials on the bottom of the cup.

Photo of Tall Baby Cup
Price: $80

The Tall Baby Cup is another popular design for those folks who want a little more volume coupled with a decorative scroll handle.

And, if you like, we can stamp your child’s initials on the bottom of the cup.

Photo of Kid’s Cup
Price: $75

The Kid’s Cup came about a few years ago when my oldest child graduated from her baby cup. It’s a scaled down version of the Pint Beaker. Like all of my pieces, made from heavy gauge metal to withstand the tests of time.

And, if you like, we can stamp your child’s initials on the bottom of the cup.

photo of Baby Cup with Oak Grain Interior
Price: $75

The Baby Cup with Oak Grain Interior is a redesign of our old Birch Grain Cup. The Oak has a more pronounced grain. The handle is cast from an antique bronze mold.

Photo of Small Queen Anne Pewter Spoon
Price: $25

Both the Large and Small Queen Anne Spoons are cast from antique bronze molds which are 300 years old! I collect old pewtering tools and these may be the oldest I own. They are sometimes referred to as wavy end spoons, but we’ve always called them Queen Anne Spoons. They have a “rattail” support bracket on the underside of the bowl like most 18th century spoons. Makes a great soup spoon!


Limited Items

New Tulip-shaped Tankard

New Tulip Tankard

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Professional Associations

New Hampshire Made - handcrafts logo

New Hampshire Made

As a member of NH Made—the wonderful... read more

Featured Items

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P. Young Chalice

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As Seen In...

Early American Life magazine

Early American Life

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