Fine, Handcrafted Pewter in the Great American Tradition
Candles in Wreath Ornament

Shop Notes

Gibson Family Snowshoes

January seems to be flying by and that is not a bad thing. With near record amounts of snow in N.H. in January coupled with some VERY cold sub-zero days, one can’t help but begin to count the number of days until Spring(50+).

Post Christmas time off with my family was restorative and I am now rebuilding inventory and working on new designs for 2011. I usually introduce new product designs in early Spring so stay tuned in to the newsletters.

Pewter Muffin Earrings

The winner of our November raffle is Lauren Chapin, of Brooklyn, NY. She will be receiving our toasty warm Muffin Earrings to keep her warm for the holidays. Congratulations and Merry Christmas.

Ladybug Earrings

Marcia Ullman won a pair of our Ladybug Earrings in October. I guess ladybugs do contribute to good luck!

Each month, we select a winner of our monthly gift of a pair of Gibson Pewter Earrings. For November, we plan to gift a Stocking Ornament. Maybe this will prompt a family pewter ornament collecting tradition.

Currier Museum of Art, Manchester, NH

Along with seven other artists and artisans, I’ve been invited to be an artist in residence at the Currier Museum of Art in Manchester, NH on Thursday, December 2 from 5 to 8 pm. It’s an opportunity for museum patrons to purchase some high quality, locally made gifts for the Holiday season.

Gibson Pewter, Sissi Studio & The Gallery at Wellsweep will once again sponsor “Christmas in the Centre” here in...

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The 6th Annual Pewter Run vintage motorcycle race took place here on Sunday, October 3. Thirty-one vintage (pre-1950) American and British bikes were entered in the race and enthusiasts from around the Northeast made the trip to Hillsborough Center to admire the vintage motorcycles, watch the race, and enjoy the cookout & awards cast by event supporter, Gibson Pewter.


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NH Open Doors Studio Tour

As a member of NH Made—the wonderful organization that markets New Hampshire-based craftsmen, artists and business—I’ll be participating again in the NH Open Doors Studio Tour on Saturday & Sunday, November 6th & 7th.

I’ll be busy demonstrating metal spinning both days. Several local artists will be involved, too. For a complete list of participants across New Hampshire, visit

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Pewter Lizard Earrings

In deference to the beastly hot weather we had late this summer, raffle winner Barbara Shamblin of Portsmouth, RI will receive a pair of our Lizard Earrings.

Each month, we select a winner of our monthly Gibson Pewter product. Now that the harvest is being collected and the Fat Lady is singing, it’s time to turn over your gardens to prepare for the dormant season ahead. Our Trowel Earrings will have you outfitted properly for the...

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Pewter Turtle Earrings

It’s been so hot, everyone has been moving as slow as a turtle. Fitting then that Holly Adam of Greenwich, CT was the winner of a pair of Turtle Earrings in our June raffle.

Each month, we select a winner of our monthly Gibson Pewter product. In July, as the heat continues to scorch in weather fit only for creatures that keep close to the ground and conserve their energy, we’re featuring our Lizard Earrings.

Anyone who...

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Pewter Butterfly Earrings

May’s raffle winner of our Butterfly Earrings was Roger Anderson, Washington State. What a nice gift for the lady in your life Roger!

For our June raffle gift, we’re offering our Turtle Earrings in honor of and solidarity with ocean creatures and wildlife that struggle in these turbulent times.

Anyone who registers in the box in the left-hand corner of the website receives periodic updates about our new products and promotions...

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Wayne Hilt finishing a spoon

The Pewter Collectors Club of America held its annual Spring meeting in Concord, NH, May 21-23. Everyone had the chance to inspect the pewter collections at the Currier Museum of Art in Manchester and the NH Historical Society in Concord. Pewter enthusiasts were able to see and handle over 400 pieces of 18th and 19th century pewter!

On Sunday, the 23rd, PCCA members traveled to Gibson Pewter in Hillsborough Center to watch metal spinning and casting demonstrations by...

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New Tulip-shaped Tankard

New Tulip Tankard

A friend who is a customer asked me to make... read more

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League of NH Craftsmen logo

League of NH Craftsmen

Jonathan Gibson—one of America’s premiere... read more

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P. Young Chalice

P. Young Chalice

The Peter Young Chalice is considered by... read more

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Early American Life magazine

Early American Life

Early American Life magazine named... read more