Fine, Handcrafted Pewter in the Great American Tradition
Philadelphia Sugar Bowl

Oster Pewter

Oster Pewter logo

Oster Pewter is a leading U.S. manufacturer of lead-free pewter (sometimes referred to as Britannia metal), supplying a wide range of industrial and artisan markets. They alloy tin, antimony, and copper in a variety of ratios, and provide it in various sheet and ingot forms to meet their customers' varied needs.

With over 100 years of combined experience in the pewter industry, Oster Pewter is well prepared to meet customers' material requirements and to act as a resource to help locate information, products and services.

Resource Type: 

Limited Items

New Tulip-shaped Tankard

New Tulip Tankard

A friend who is a customer asked me to make... read more

Professional Associations

League of NH Craftsmen logo

League of NH Craftsmen

Jonathan Gibson—one of America’s premiere... read more

Featured Items

Pewter Martini Goblet

Martini Goblets

Cocktail fanciers everywhere can agree that... read more

As Seen In...

Yankee magazine cover Spring 2011

Yankee Magazine

on Gibson and Gibson Pewter are featured in... read more