Fine, Handcrafted Pewter in the Great American Tradition
Travelling Chalice

Hillsboro Living History Event a Success

Nancy Denu & Camille Gibson

With six locations, the event was so grand it was in danger of becoming its own black hole. But the determination of numerous volunteers and curious visitors made the weekend a genuine success.

Their several regiments camped out on Jones Road for a multi-day series of re-enactment activities. A period Magic show, performers and impersonators, blacksmith demonstrations, tours of the Franklin Pierce Homestead, and our beautiful stone arch bridges provided a wealth of things to capture imagination and interest.

We were busy in Hillsborough Center. Camille, the kids and I were all dressed in period costumes while I demonstrated making spoons. Here I’m working with my “intern,” Lily Gibson.

Center School, our one room schoolhouse next door, was open for “class,” and spinners and weavers demonstrated their talents in the Meeting House. The 12th NHV Regiment Serenade band played some jaunty tunes that kept our toes tapping. And one of many competing Town Criers kept us apprised of the weekend events.

If you didn’t make it this year, mark your calendars for late August next year. Once everyone has enjoyed a time of rest, we’ll no doubt gear up to do it again. There is too much history and talent in this small town to keep it quiet.

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