Fine, Handcrafted Pewter in the Great American Tradition
Tulip Tankard

Light Up Your Home

We have a complete line of lovely pewter lamps and candle holders to brighten your home


Our New Barn Workshop & Showroom Are Open Year Round!

Our new barn workshop and showroom is amazing and will be open year round. We hope you all can plan to visit this year and see it in person.

Spring & Summer shop hours are Tuesday - Saturday, 10 - 5pm, Sunday by chance, call ahead. Winter hours are Tuesday - Saturday, 10 - 4pm. Visitors are welcome to watch work in progress. Please “LIKE” and “FOLLOW” Gibson Pewter on Facebook for current events and new product offerings.

A Family Tradition

Gibson Pewter was founded in 1966 by Raymond Gibson and run as a seasonal family “cottage” business in the picturesque, and historic hilltop village of Hillsborough Center, New Hampshire for more than 20 years.

Today, second-generation pewterer, Jonathan Gibson—along with his wife and two daughters—carries on the craft year-round in the beautiful center of Washingtion, NH. Jon is a state juried member of the League of N.H. Craftsmen and has been recognized by Early American Life Magazine as one of Americas 200 top traditional craftsmen since 1992.

New Christmas Ornament for 2025... The Moon & Star!

The design of our 2025 Annual Christmas Ornament, Moon & Star, has been a community effort with feedback from dozens of friends and customers to come up with a perfect view of the night sky.

Seeing stars and moons together makes us think about how we are part of something much bigger than ourselves. They teach us about harmony and balance in the universe and within us. This helps us appreciate the mystery and beauty of the world we live in.

Our 2025 Annual Ornament, Moon & Star, is hand cast & finished with a beautiful hammered surface.

As we've done in years past, our gift to you... buy any four ornaments and the fifth one is FREE!

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Limited Items

New Tulip-shaped Tankard

New Tulip Tankard

A friend who is a customer asked me to make... read more

Professional Associations

League of NH Craftsmen logo

League of NH Craftsmen

Jonathan Gibson—one of America’s premiere... read more

Featured Items

Bonynge Pint Mug

Bonynge Pint Mug

Robert Bonynge was an 18th century Boston... read more

As Seen In...

Early American Life magazine

Early American Life

Early American Life magazine named... read more